Monday, October 6, 2014

ELECTION PROFILE: U.S. Congressional District 4 - (R) Mike Pompeo v. (D) Perry Schuckman

This is one is going to be short and sweet.  Below is the map of the 'Massacre of 2014'.

This isn't David vs. Goliath.  David had a [sling]shot and capitalized on it to win.  This is more like Ford Fiesta vs. an F-5 Tornado.  Mike Pompeo has a strong approval rating, impeccable education and business experience, and a lot of cash in the war chest.  Perry Schuckman is unknown, a Democrat, and in the 4th U.S. Congressional District of Kansas.  If you like watching videos of sharks eating seals starting at the point the seal is already in the shark's mouth, this race is for you.


(R) Mike Pompeo (Incumbent)  -  Mike Pompeo graduated from West Point, earned his law degree from Harvard Law, and proceeded to embark on a very successful business career.  We just described the ideal Congressman.  If we were casting a movie about Teddy Roosevelt, Mike Pompeo would be our first choice (not for politics, but for character).  He was elected to Congress in 2010 and is seeking his third term.

(D) Perry Schuckman - Perry Schuckman took a very different approach.  He's certainly competent and has the blood of a public serviceman running through his veins.  Schuckman racked up an incredible public service resume.  I mean seriously, check him out.  Judging from his experience and credentials, he's just as viable a candidate as his incumbent opponent.

Pompeo is very much an ideologue.  But unlike his contemporaries, we actually think Pompeo's politics represent his own personal beliefs and not something spoon fed to him by American's for Prosperity or Freedom Works.  He believes in personal responsibility, because he is the very definition of personal responsibility.  He seems very principled, even if he is a bit insufferable for those of who don't like absolute approaches.

Schuckman on the other hand, is very engaged in community building and making private enterprises work for the common good.  It's almost as if he should be working for Pompeo.  Unlike his challenger, however, Schuckman doesn't rely on political dogma and absolute approaches.  He's interested in viable solutions, not partisan politics.  With that said, his website does a really terrible job of organizing this information.


1.  ISSUESWhile Pompeo's website (being top notch as it is) clearly and concisely pinpoints his stance on the issues (see how wonderful it is), Schuckman's is a case of amateur-hour (in case you didn't click on it before.....see what we're talking about?).  We get it, Pompeo is the 'conservative' ideologue with the highest ACU 'conservative' rating of all Kansas U.S. Representatives, where as Schuckman cares about common sense and working together.  But give us something!


We seriously doubt that Schuckman thinks he's going to win.  The cards just aren't there.  Also, if he's going to want to run for Congress in a 'millennial', technological, 21-st Century world he's going to have to do a better job with his media presentation.  He probably does represent Independents better, but how would any Independent be able to figure that out, unless he specifically addresses the issues and gives us an organized layout on how to find it.  At least we know where Pompeo stands, and take comfort in knowing that he could probably disarm a terrorist attacker, hold him until the appropriate authorities arrived, competently prosecute him and make sure he gets the justice he deserves, and then write a law review article on the importance of one-man justice.

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