Thursday, June 9, 2016

Alan LaPolice: Independent Candidate for the 1st U.S. Congressional District of Kansas

Alan LaPolice, a Republican in the Big 1st U.S. Congressional district of Kansas, is seeking to get on the November ballot as an independent candidate. You may remember him from 2014 primary season for almost doing the unthinkable by coming within a nose of unseating incumbent, Representative Huelskamp.

Originally, LaPolice intended to run in the GOP primary once more. However, due to the seemingly immediate nastiness that primary race devolved into (especially with Huelskamp going after Marshall), LaPolice decided to provide the winner of that dung-flinging contest with a general election opponent by going independent. We imagine he still intends to caucus with Republicans in the House, if elected. There is also a Libertarian candidate (Robert Garrard of Edgerton)  awaiting the winner of the GOP primary (and LaPolice, if he manages to fulfill the filing requirements) in the general election.

For LaPolice to get on the ballot, he needs 6,000 signatures from registered voters in the Big 1st. If you’d like to learn more about his candidacy and how to reach him to sign his petition to get on the ballot you can find him online at:

Phone: 785-818-4225
Instructions on how to get him on the ballot HERE.
 And of course, you can download his petition HERE.


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